Health, Safety and Environment

Always HHASB’s Top Priorities

HHA Associates Sdn. Bhd. (HHASB) places the greatest importance on the safety and health of our employees, contractors and clients as well as provides a safeguard to the environment. We committed to have an incident free workplace and to deliver to the very high standards.

“HHASB will not compromise Health, Safety and Environment (HSE). We will ensure HSE is our top priorities and strive to be the best-in-class HSE Performance.”
Abdul Aziz, Managing Director

HSE Management System
The HHASB HSE Management System defines the principles by which we conduct all our operations with regards to health, safety, and the environment.

Management communicates the HSE philosophy to all employees, clients, contractors, and third parties associated with our business, and each HHASB organization must provide positive evidence of conformance to the system.

The HSE Management System model comprises eight interrelated components:
• Leadership and Commitments
• Policies and Strategic Objectives
• Organization, Responsibilities, Resources,
Standards and Documents
• Hazard and Effect Management Process
• Planning and Procedures
• Implementation and Monitoring
• Assurance
• Management reviews

“HHA Associates Sdn Bhd is committed to pursuing meet customer`s needs and expectation by delivering the high-quality result through timely completion with the safe working environment and continuous improvement of the Company Quality Management System.”